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R & Python Learning Resources

Students often ask how they can gain experience with Python or R to prepare for taking the Data Science courses or other STAT courses that use them. We have assembled the following lists of resources students might find useful when looking to learn and/or refresh their knowledge.

If you are unfamiliar with R and Python or trying to decide which to focus on, we suggest reading more about them here The “Python vs. R: Which is right for you?” section of this article might be especially helpful in deciding which best fits your academic, professional, or project goals.


Opportunities for learning or refreshing your knowledge of Python

Northwestern Class options:
COMP_SCI 110 Intro to Computer Programming
COMP_SCI 150 Fundamentals of Computer Programming 1.5

Other Learning Resources:


Opportunities for learning or refreshing your knowledge of R

Northwestern Class options:
STAT 202 Introduction to Statistics and Data Science

Other Learning Resources: