MS Thesis Track Option
The MS in Statistics and Data Science thesis track is an option for students who desire to enhance their research experience by working with a thesis advisor on cutting-edge topics. Starting the second quarter of the first year of study, students who are interested in the thesis track are encouraged to approach graduate faculty in the department and identify one who is willing to be their thesis advisor. The thesis advisor must be identified by the end of the student’s first year in the program. Once the thesis advisor is identified, a thesis committee will be formed for each student, consisting of the thesis advisor and two other faculty members. In addition to the thesis advisor, at least one other committee member must be a graduate faculty member. The thesis committee must be formed by no later than the end of Fall quarter of the second year. The thesis advisor will guide the student in thesis research and course registration until completion. The student must submit a written thesis, which has been approved by their committee, and give a 30-minute public presentation on the work.
Once you have decided that you would like to pursue the Thesis Track option for the MS in Statistics and Data Science degree, you would follow these steps.
Step 1: Find a Department of Statistics and Data Science tenure line faculty member who is willing to serve as your thesis advisor for your thesis project by the end of spring quarter of your first year.
Step 2: Discuss your thesis project idea with your advisor and then complete the Thesis Project Proposal form and submit it to the MS in Statistics and Data Science Program Director for department approval before August 31 of your first year.
Step 3: Register as needed for Fall quarter once your Thesis Proposal has been approved. IMPORTANT: students pursuing the thesis option for the MS degree must maintain their full-time student status. Registration options will depend on if the student is still completing coursework or has completed all coursework and is no longer taking courses. The MS in Statistics and Data Science Program Director and thesis advisor will advise students on course registration.
Step 4: Set up the committee for your thesis with the help of your thesis advisor by the end of Fall quarter of your second year.
Step 5: Maintain full-time student status by registering as required while you do research and write your thesis under the supervision of your thesis advisor. Students must meet the department expectations, project deliverables, and timeline outlined in the approved Thesis Project Proposal. If a student needs to change their proposed thesis or the timeline, they must submit a revised Thesis Project Proposal form with the new completion quarter and year to the MS in Statistics and Data Science Program Director for approval.
Step 6: Submit the written thesis to your committee and do your 30-minute public presentation on the work in time to meet the TGS requirements for graduation by TGS deadlines specified in the Academic Calendar for the agreed upon quarter that you anticipate completing the thesis project and graduating. More information on the TGS requirements and deadlines can be found here.
If for any reason you feel you will not be able to complete your thesis project by the quarter and year specified above, you must talk with your thesis advisor to discuss the change to your degree completion timeline and submit a revised Thesis Project Proposal form with the new completion quarter and year to the MS in Statistics and Data Science Program Director for approval.
International students are responsible for complying with all Visa policies and terms during their thesis study work.
In order to withdraw from the Thesis option after a student has been approved by the department to pursue it, the student is required to meet with the MS in Statistics and Data Science Program Director to discuss the withdrawal requirements.