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Combined BA (or BS)/MS Degree Program Requirements

Students in the Statistics combined BA (or BS)/MS degree program are required to complete all of the requirements for their BA/BS major as well as the MS in Statistics requirements.

The MS in Statistics requires a minimum of 12 units of courses: 6 required courses and 6 electives. Students may choose to take up to 4 additional units of course work.

Required MS coursework

Students must also pass the Qualifying Exam at the Master’s level at the end of their first year of MS coursework.

Additionally, students may choose to complete an MS thesis by working with a thesis advisor to enhance their experience in research.

Timeline for Combined BA (or BS)/MS Degree Program Students

Years 1-3:
Take required courses for BA/BS degree (in statistics or in other major) maintaining a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher.

Complete the STAT 320-1,2,3 course sequence or the equivalent with grades of A or A- in all three courses by the end of the third/Junior year at Northwestern. Exceptions may be considered for students from non-stat majors with strong quantitative training.

Apply to the BA/BS+MS in Statistics program by May 15 of the junior year via the online TGS combined degree application. See Applying for the Combined BA (or BS)/MS Degree Program

Have only one to four courses remaining to complete Bachelor’s degree by the beginning of Fall quarter of the 4th/senior year.

Year 4: Complete MS required core courses including 420-1, -2, -3, 350-0, 353-0, and 415-0 as well as the remaining courses for the BA/BS degree.

Year 5: Qualifying Exam at the Master’s level + Electives + Thesis research (optional).

All students will take the comprehensive Qualifying Exam at the Master’s level around the beginning of Fall quarter in their fifth year. If a student fails the MS exam, the student will be provided with two more chances to retake it in the following Winter and Spring quarters.

All students will complete a minimum of 6 elective courses for the MS selected with the advisement of the Director of MS in statistics.

Students on the thesis track should start research no later than the Fall quarter of year 5.

Year 5 Summer (if on thesis track): Thesis research. All students should have completed their degree requirements by August 31.

Note: Completion of thesis work means completion of the research, the written report, and a 30-min public oral presentation of the thesis work.