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MS in Statistics and Data Science Program Requirements

The MS in Statistics and Data Science Program offers two tracks
  1. Coursework of 12 units
  2. Coursework of 12 units + MS thesis
In order to receive a Master’s in Statistics and Data Science degree, students in both tracks must

Complete the following coursework:

Optional Qualifying Exam at the PhD level. This comprehensive examination covers the required course work in the first year and is typically taken in beginning of fall quarter of the second year. MS students have the option to take the qualifying Exam at the PhD level. However, passing the exam at the PhD level does not mean that an MS student will be admitted to the PhD program.

Optional Master’s Thesis

Doing a thesis is provided as an option for students who desire to enhance their research experience by working with a thesis advisor on cutting-edge topics.  Starting the second quarter of the first year of study, students who are interested in the thesis track will be encouraged to approach faculty advisors and identify one as a thesis advisor. Once the thesis advisor is chosen, a thesis committee will be formed for each student, consisting of the thesis advisor, and two other faculty advisor members. The thesis committee must be formed not later than the end of Fall quarter of the second year. The thesis advisor will guide the student in thesis research, and course registration until completion. Students need to write a thesis and do a 30-min public presentation.

Length of study

Both tracks require a minimum of 4 quarters of residency (not including summer), while students on thesis track may need 5-6 quarters or longer to complete their degree. The degree for both tracks must be completed within two years (i.e., Fall of Year 1 to Summer of Year 2).

Questions: please contact the MS in Statistics and Data Science Program Director, Hongmei Jiang