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Minor in Data Science

Students minoring in Data Science will receive exposure to computational and applied statistical techniques that offer comprehensive foundations in aspects of data science, preparing students for employment, graduate study in data science or (when combined with appropriate disciplinary training) graduate study in data- or computation-intensive programs in science or social science.

7 courses are required to complete the minor: 1 introductory programming course, 1 introductory statistics course, 4 core Data Science courses (STAT 301-1,2,3 or STAT 303-1,2,3 and STAT 302), and 1 approved elective course relevant to the minor. Two different tracks of the Data Science sequence are offered, one taught using R (STAT 301-1,2,3) and one using Python (STAT 303-1,2,3). Python experience recommended for the STAT 303-1,2,3 Data Science with Python.

Minor in Data Science Cohort System and Declaration Process


Minor in Data Science Cohort System

Because the Minor in Data Science is very popular and space in the required courses is limited, the minor uses a cohort system to help ensure that students who declare will be able to complete the required STAT courses for the minor in the time available to them.

The Data Science Minor Cohorts reflect the academic year the students in the cohort are assigned to take the core Data Science courses. For example, students in the 2023-24 Data Science Minor Cohort would take their 4 core STAT data science minor courses in academic year 2023-2024. Students are only guaranteed seats in the 4 core courses in their assigned Cohort year.

Additionally, cohorts are broken into two tracks, the R track and the Python track. Students wishing to declare indicate if they have a track preference.

Students who are interested in pursuing the minor should add themselves to the Data Science Interest List as early as possible. (Note: If you are already a declared student within the Department (Data Science major, Statistics major, or Statistics minor) and wish to declare a Data Science minor, do not join the Data Science Interest List. Instead, please contact Deric Holloway at for your next steps.)

How the Data Science Minor Cohorts and Tracks are Assigned

The assignment of students to a Data Science Minor Cohort and track happens annually during the minor declaration period in spring quarter.

Assignment to a cohort is based on availability, track preference, and other factors. The date students sign up for the Data Science Interest List is taken into consideration when making assignments to cohorts and tracks, so we encourage you to sign up as early as possible. We begin filling cohorts up to three years in advance.

The cohorts that we will be assigning students to in Spring 2024 are: 2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027

Minor in Data Science Declaration Process

The declaration period for the minor is held annually in Spring quarter. However, the steps for declaring start with completing The Data Science Interest List as soon as possible after it opens in early September.

 Students who wish to declare the minor must follow the declaration process steps listed on the Declaring the Minor in Data Science page. Before joining the Data Science Interest List on this page, please make sure to review the minor requirements.

The assignment of students to a Data Science Minor Cohort and track and the submission of the declaration for the minor happens annually during this declaration period in spring quarter.

Read more about the Requirements for the Minor in Data Science

If you are a Statistics major or are considering becoming one, please see the Data Science Minor for Statistics Majors page for the full list of requirements.

If you are a MMSS student, please see the Undergraduate Catalog or the MMSS website for requirements specific to MMSS students doing the Minor in Data Science